
Wednesday 26 March 2014

Signed... Sealed... Delivered

My Dear Thando

It is with great regret to learn of your departure from Club808 and Yfm, two platforms in my opinion any person can only dream of working at in a lifetime.

I have watched you transform from a wide eyed 21 year-old, to a successful 24 year-old. Believe it or not it is because of your show #TheAudioTreat that I've discovered my passion,my love for radio. I remember my first time ever that I've spoken on radio,the butterflies in my tummy and how nervous I felt,eventually being the Say Something President, I will NEVER forget your show.

I cried for an hour after learning that you're leaving,but obviously had to understand that you need a new challenge and I'll continue following you wherever life takes you on your journey to fulfilling your dreams.

The lessons you've taught us,the hilarious promos and awesome music Words can’t even describe the LOVE I have for that show- for 1 year,it was all I've ever known & love.I am today what I am because of what you imparted unto me and I'm eternally grateful!

Here's to many more years of Laughter,Success, and hopefully Radio.

Love, Light and Strength- Your Former #SaySomethingPresident KAT-LE-GO

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